I had the letter writing project in mind 8 years ago, and planned to ask people to write letters of their regrets. It’s now found its way to me to help me express what I need to during this grieving process.
The idea of having an echo chamber came to mind a few days after experiencing Haroon Mirza’s brilliant The Apavilion of Then and Now, at the Ikon gallery in 2018. Watching this video has brought back my experience clearly.
Due to the darkness, it felt like I was walking into the unexpected. I might be wrong, but I remember the floor of the corridor to be at a slight angle, which added to the uneasiness of the experience. I didn’t know what I was walking into. I remembered the walls to be made of black rubber spikes.
There were moments of darkness and then the circular LED light buzzed and appeared. It was a small enclosed space, so it felt very intimate. I felt an uneasiness with the buzzing of the light as well. It had a very powerful effect on me, and I was engulfed in the experience.
The room initially reminded me of my Morse code concept room …. . .-.. .–. (Help). I remember thinking it would work as an installation.
I loved the whole exhibition and felt very excited by it. Still do. It was 6 years ago but I remember it clearly. It’s inspiring to see how Haroon uses materials and technologies to best express the ideas he wants to convey. This is how I try to work as well.
I equated the echo chamber to being our mind, and I imagined people’s regrets being heard as echoes. I planned to ask if they would record their voices expressing their regrets, and I would use them in the installation.
I also felt it might be a cathartic experience for the people to express their regrets in the open. They could do it anonymously so they could speak freely.
I know with myself, some regrets have stayed with me and still haunt me when they come to mind. There’s guilt, shame and an uneasiness attached to them as well. They echo like ghosts, but the emotions and feelings of regret are still quiet raw. Perhaps it’s because they haven’t been processed.
“I now have so many new regrets that keep churning and echoing in my mind and stomach, especially during the last few days together. I just wish I could put it right and let you know how truly and deeply sorry I am.”
My letter, Your Final Act of Love and Kindness, expresses my deepest regrets. I will extract the realisations, make recordings of them and take it from there.
I am now limited as to how to actualise my concepts. Being confined to the bed and needing to lie down, means most of my ideas will be done and expressed on my phone and laptop. It’s also going to take me much longer since I don’t have much energy.
I found this excellent video showing how echoes in caves can be created, using the sound software Steinberg Nuendo 12. It’s given me the confidence to know that I can create the right sound effects of an echo chamber.
When I imagined the concept 6 years ago, it was an echo you’d hear in a cave. This type of echo still feels right for what I want to express. I think it’s because it has a haunting quality to it. Regrets can haunt us…
Haroon sound proofed The Apavilion of Then. I would need to do the same if I was to create an installation of the echo chamber. This would ensure that the sound of people entering and being in the space, would not create their own echoes and interfere with the echoes of the sound installation.