David Lynch…

17th January 2025

I thought of you when I heard the heartbreaking news of David Lynch last night. Such a sad and huge loss. Such a brilliant, creative and visionary man, especially when it came to expressing trauma and the darkest sides of human nature.

I know we would have shared this sad moment together, like we did others…

My first encounter with David’s work was The Elephant Man. I was a child and I remember crying my heart out. I fully connected and felt John Merrick’s pain. It was also my pain. This is how they saw me and how they made me feel. It was after my mum died. I’ve never watched it since, but it’s been on my watch list for a few months. Perhaps it’s time for a revisit.

I remember seeing his brilliant exhibition at Home in Manchester, and their live video interview with him. I also shared a number of things with you, including his fantastic time-lapse video, Steps. You loved it as well.

I’ve just watched it again. The shadows of the branches with the leaves coming in, along with the others, is quite eerie, especially with the sound. The steps are being engulfed by the darkness, but there are shimmers of bright light. Visually it looks very painterly, which I feel has a stunning effect. It doesn’t feel quite real. Nothing feels quite real at the moment…

David was also a very beautiful, insightful and generous soul when it came to talking about creativity and ideas, and where they come from. I imagine you already know that he likens it to catching fish. He also describes an idea as a seed, and that we need to be true to it…

I think he describes the sensations of getting the idea perfectly. I’ve also experienced it in this way:

“…in your mind the idea is seen and felt, and it explodes like it’s got electricity and light connected to it. And it has all the images and the feeling…” David Lynch interview in The Directors – The Films of David Lynch

These words from NASA are incredibly beautiful and moving. I know you would have loved them as well.

Credit: NASA

Their words also struck a chord with me. It’s impossible not to feel the loss of you, but yes, we gained so much from the beautiful years we shared. I really do hope you feel the same way about the time we shared. I really hope so {} xxxx

Big Surprise…

Letters of Love, Regret and Hope