For Auld Lang Syne…
31st December 2024
I can’t believe this year’s already over. I still can’t fully believe our friendship is as well…
I know I usually struggle making it to midnight because of my health, but I really don’t want to tonight. I wish I could sleep through today and tomorrow. This feels worse than Christmas day. I guess I don’t want to say goodbye to the year because it also means saying goodbye to you…
It feels too painful to look back on this year, especially the last couple of months. But then I’m doing it already so it doesn’t make any difference really.
The little bit of calm I felt for the last couple of days has been replaced by my nerves. Tum is churning again. I don’t know why, but there’s a part of me that feels scared. It’s like the photo of the clouds I took yesterday, which looks quite foreboding.
I know it’s going to break my heart not waking up to your lovely New Year’s message. Old Lang Syne will break my heart as well.
I remember you telling me how glad you were the last decade had ended, but 2020 brought its own nightmares.
Our friendship naturally developed over the years that followed, and brought us closer. We had so much fun sharing so many things. I wouldn’t change any of it. The only thing I’d change are the last few days to prevent the ending.
I wish you a very Happy New Year my precious and most adorable sweetheart {} xxx I hope it brings you everything you’re wishing for, with an abundance of love, happiness and peace.
Thoroughly enjoy bringing in the New Year with all the fabulous music, especially Jools. Enjoy it for me too, as well as some delicious medicine. I love you and I’m hugging you like the very last time {} xxxx
I will be thinking of you tonight my lovely. I hope you’ll think of me too, for auld lang syne…
I’ve finally looked at your beautiful photos. My heart’s breaking all over again, and the damn has broken yet again. You have the most softest and gentlest eyes.
I really do miss you with all my heart, soul and being. I love you, I hug you and I kiss you {} xxxx