More Than This…
3rd December 2024
Everything really does remind me of you. I’ve been so focused on our final few days, along with my confusion. Everything was clouded and marred by it. That confusion finally went yesterday, and I can see everything clearly and more objectively, and my heart breaks again. I feel lost.
We did share so many beautiful, fun and magical moments together. Our friendship was very special and precious. I do love you with all my heart and I miss you so much.
I woke up with Now and Then playing in my head. It was followed by Real Love. Then at 9.38am, this popped up on my feed. I cried my heart out when I heard More Than This.
I’ve always loved the song. It was watching Lost in Translation this year that brought it to the fore. I sent it to you and discovered that you love it too. I didn’t tell you that I thought of you when Bill Murray sang More Than This. There’s no comparison though. The film reminded me of so many things…
I asked if you’d sing happy birthday to me, the very last time we met. You happily surprised me when you said yes. You have such a beautiful and soothing voice.
I asked if you’d played More Than This on your guitar. You hadn’t. It was a challenge but you learnt and played it beautifully and brilliantly. I can’t tell you how happy and excited I was to hear your version. My heart was beaming and bursting with joy. I can’t bring myself to play it right now. It’s too painful. I hope I will be able to in the future.
I feel there were quite a few things that got lost in translation with us. So many misunderstandings and misinterpretations, which we cleared most of the time. There were moments where it felt like we interpreted the same written words completely differently. Words sometimes got muddled. Our phone screens were a barrier during the most important moments, especially the final moments.